Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Real Initiation

I feel like last night was a true full initiation into the world of infertility. I had to give myself my first menopur shot in the bathroom of a party last night! I couldn't miss my sister-in-law's birthday party, but I couldn't miss my shot either, so I thought no big deal I will just do it in the bathroom. I am still laughing at myself today for thinking that was going to be easy. First of all, it was the first one, so it took forever to mix everything. Second, it was a little hard to sneak Mr. Scuba in there without people noticing. Third, it burned so bad I came out looking white as a freaking ghost!! Fourth, well it bled a lot so I ended up with blood on one of my favorite shirts! No one seemed to notice anything though, except my sister in law who knows what is going on.

The point I guess is that I did it. I lived my regular life and my infertile life simultaneously and survived.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! I did one of my shots in the middle of the SeaTac airport last year. Good times. Sorry to hear about the burning!! Thinking good thoughts and sending you positive vibes!!
