Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One Lonely Little Line

That is a sight I have seen far too many times. One sad lonely pathetic crushing little line. I took a home pregnancy test this morning and it looked like every one I have ever taken in my life. Stark white. My heart was beating so fast during those two minutes. I just knew that second line would pop up and I could jump and yell and scream with excitement like I have dreamed of doing for so long.

The longer I stared at that screen the further my heart sank. I squinted, I stared, I willed a second line to magically appear with every bit of my being. Nothing. I have never looked so hard at a pregnancy test in my whole life. I have never wanted this more than I do now. Instead I am crushed.

Here it is again, that horrible awful feeling that I will never experience a life growing inside of me. That I will never hear the sound of my own baby's cry. That I will never have a family of my own. That I am not meant to be a mother.


  1. :( I am still holding out hope for your beta. IF just plain sucks.

  2. I'm so sorry. The single line sucks so bad and IF is so cruel. Hang in there sweetie.

  3. Ugh. I'm so sorry. I've been doing this and feeling this for the past 4 or 5 days. AF is late and it's driving me nuts!

  4. Ugh sweetie - I am so very sorry. It hurts something awful seeing that stark white HPT staring back at you :(

