Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Frogfish Love

We just got back from our FU IF vacation in Maui yesterday and I HATED to come back to reality!! We had an incredible vacation - more on that later. 

While we were there I had a couple of amazing infertility related moments, but one I would really like to share. 
As we were diving I spotted an amazingly rare sight. Two frog fish were hanging out on the rail of a sunken ship literally holding fins! The dive master came and explained on an underwater slate that it was a male and a female and the female was soooo full that she was ready to burst with eggs. I immediately thought OHSS (Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome)!! No kidding! The male was there to help her release the eggs and then to fertilize the eggs once they were released. The dive master said that she would release within hours. (The picture to the left was taken on that dive by the dive master. If you look at the orange ball on the left, that is the female all puffed up with eggs. On the bar are their fins, and the not as bright orange fish on the right is the male. You can kind of see that he is not as round and huge as she is. Yes, I know they are strange looking fish! Google frogfish if you want to see what the whole fish looks like). 
Mr. Scuba and I looked at each other and I actually started crying underwater!! He knew exactly why. To me it felt like a moment that we were meant to witness. I felt so close to those beautiful fish, because that is how Mr. Scuba and I are going to make babies. Get me so full of eggs that I am going to nearly explode and then have him there to hold my hand and to fertilize (with a bit of help from the lab of course). 
I may be crazy, but that once in a lifetime moment really felt like a sign saying that everything is going to be OK, even though this isn't happening the way I thought it would. 

1 comment:

  1. it IS going to be ok.

    what a cool thing to witness.
