Sunday, March 13, 2011

FU AF!!!

FU Aunt Flo!! Seriously? For the first time in forever I actually want you to show up and you are completely MIA! With all the stress this cycle has endured I know I ovulated late so you are right around the corner, but didn't you get the memo that you are NOT invited on our FU IF vacation? Why do you only show up when you are not wanted?!

Furthermore, I need to get my CD3 blood-work done and I want it done before we go to Hawaii. If that doesn't happen we will have to wait another full cycle before getting it done. I deserve some good news right now, and if it is bad news, I deserve to know sooner rather than later. I certainly deserve to know before Mr. Scuba starts putting huge needles in his ass!

The worst part is you have me thinking some how in some crazy world, maybe I am KU... and then comes reality. I really really really hate you!

So in sum, Aunt Flo, you better show up or else!!

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