Sunday, April 3, 2011

Slowly Coming Out of the IF Closet

Mr. Scuba told me about a week ago that keeping our struggles a secret makes things more hurtful for him, so he would rather our family and close friends just know. So, as scary as it was we started telling people. We have been getting a wide range of comments. Some incredibly offensive, and some very supportive.

We told my brother-in-law who has been suffering with IF for 12 years and just got divorced from his wife over it. That one wasn't fun, but I am glad he knows.

My mother-in-law told us that we should not tell anyone because if we have to use donor sperm no one would have to know. Really? Really? This isn't something we should be ashamed of MIL!! Whatever journey we have to take to become parents is our journey and shame shouldn't have to be a part of it, EVER!! She said some other good things as well, but I was jaded at that point. Father-in-law didn't say much other than if we need anything that they are there for us.

We told both my brothers. I think I was the most afraid of telling them. Both took it like a champ. They were so supportive and wonderful and said all the right things. After a long conversation with my older brother about the whole process he said "so basically you are going to pay a whole lot of money for a spin of a roulette wheel which is likely to end up on heartbreak?" Yup that about sums it up!

I am glad the people close to us know, but it is so scary because there are that many more people now to be disappointed if this doesn't work. God I hope this all works!


  1. I found it really liberating when I was able to tell some people. It really helps me to talk about things. Good for you guys!

  2. Good for you guys on feeling ready to tell people. I had the same reactions when I had told some family. Some hurtful comments and some supportive. My family doesn't understand and seems like they don't want to understand. DH family is very supportive and wants to know. Good luck to you both!
