Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finally Some Good News!!

All my blood work came back great!!

FSH: 6.1 (anything under 10 is good)
Estradol: in normal ranges
AMH: 12.1
glucose: normal
a bunch of other random stuff: normal

They did say I needed to drink more water though - done and done!

It feels so good to finally get some good news, but now I feel even worse for Mr. Scuba. I know this makes him feel even more broken. He is taking it like a champ, but I know it has to hurt. Part of me really wished that I could share this burden with him and this could be an us thing instead of a him thing.

In reality though, I am glad because this gives us a better shot at the IVF being successful! I keep telling Mr. S that we are infertile, because we can't conceive a child together. I don't want a child with anyone else, so that makes it just as much me as him.


  1. I always use the word WE when I talk about our issues. It will get better- DH has really come around since we first found out. I'm so glad your b/w came back great!

  2. that is great news. that means, when the time comes for IVF, your body is ready! :)

  3. You have a great attitude. And I am so glad your bw came back just fine. I have always thought that male IF issues were an easier fix w/IVF than female, not sure why. Best of luck!
