Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Margarita and a Kiss: Home From Retrieval

Today was a good day! The short version: We had fresh sperm and got 13 eggs!

The long version: We started off by getting some amazing new: Mr. Scuba's sample from yesterday had 100,000 sperm!!! He went in for 2 this morning as well so we are hoping to get some more. I was so happy when he told me, I cried!!

So around 9:30 they took me in and got me into the gown etc.. and then into the evil looking procedure room. The anesthesiologist was really nice and really gentle. They got the IV in and then got all my lady parts washed out. The anesthesiologist said it was time for a margarita, so I asked Mr. Scuba for a kiss first. The nurses all laughed and said "A margarita and a kiss: the perfect makings of a baby!" I thought that was really cool and sweet.

Then it was time for Mr. Scuba to leave. I don't really remember because that is when they started with the good drugs. The next thing I remember was waking up in the recovery room. I expected to feel horrible, but honestly I just had some mild cramping. I was pretty out of it. They were feeding me sprite and saltine crackers. When they had me go to the bathroom, I think that was the worst part.

The Doctor came in and said we got 13 eggs which is great. I was honestly hoping for a few more especially with the amount of follicles I had, but the doctor was really encouraged. Mr. Scuba calls them our little baker's dozen!

I got dressed and we headed home. I am now on the couch relaxing, knitting, and praying that those little eggs and sperm turn into beautiful little embryos!


  1. That is great news!!! Glad you are feeling well and that you got so many eggs!!!

  2. That is great news. Glad everything went well and you are feeling well

  3. Good luck to your little baker's dozen! Hope you get a fantastic fert report!

  4. Sounds like all went well! Lucky #13 - YAY :) Praying you get an awesome fert report in the next few days!

  5. I am very excited for you! rest up and take care of yourself. Fingers crossed for a great fert report.
