Monday, November 21, 2011

Introducing Baby Blast Scuba

After much discussion and the doctors STRONG recommendation that we transfer only 1 embryo - that is  exactly what we did.

Of the 10 fertilized embryos 8 were still growing. It looks like about 6 will probably make it to freeze and we transfered the very best beautiful expanded blast today. He or She is actually with me inside my body as I type this. How wonderful is that!!

A few family members not very supportive of us transferring only one, but for us it was absolutely the right decision. The doctor said that if we got pregnant with 2 that we would have over a 60% chance of twins. That is just too high for us. Twin pregnancies are always high risk and I am a pretty small person. Then there is the double cost for everything, double feedings, double crying, double the craziness, and yes double the love and amazingness. Don't get me wrong, I would be thrilled with twins, but I need to put mine and the babies health first and with twins there are so many more land-mines. I know exactly why people transfer 2, and a part of me really wanted to, but what I want more than anything is just a normal single pregnancy. I hope that is not too much to ask after dealing with the heartache of infertility.

I have faith that we made the very best decision for us.

So without further delay, I would like to introduce our beautiful expanded blast - i.e. Baby Scuba


  1. Baby Scuba looks strong :) Snuggle in, little one!

  2. What a beautiful embryo! GL!!!

  3. Congratulations! I know I mentioned this before, but we fully plan on doing another eSET when it's time for our FET (unless of course the quality of embryos has degraded in the thaw). We consciously did this for the same reasons you did.

    Sending sticky vibes your way that Baby Scuba is snuggling in!!

  4. Congrats! What a perfect looking blast :) DH and I have the exact same conversation about transferring 1 or 2... I hope we also have a perfect blast to make the decision easier (we lean towards 1 for the exact reasons you mentioned). Good luck!

  5. Cute kid. :) Snuggle in for the long haul, little one!!

  6. Beautiful embie - he/she has your eyes ;) And no need to explain your decision to anyone. It is you & your hubbies decision alone - nuff said!!! Hoping the 2ww goes by quickly for you!

  7. What a cutie! Hi baby blast, grow strong and well for momma and daddy :)

  8. Snuggle in tight little one! Can't wait to see your little face in 9 months :)
