Monday, November 28, 2011

New Job!

I accepted a new job today and I am elated! I know it is a pretty crazy time to accept a new job, but if infertility has taught me anything at all, it has taught me that I can not make any decisions based on what may or may not happen. If this IVF worked, I may end up on Maternity leave relatively soon, but if it didn't... well you know. My current job environment is so toxic that I really really needed to get out. Plus this is a huge raise so that helps too.

The new job has been in the works for months, but I didn't want to talk too much about it because I didn't want to jinx anything. I went back and forth believing that I was ever going to get a new job. It seemed like it was going to work out and then something got in the way and then back and forth for months. Sound familiar? I am really praying that the other roller coaster that I have been on ends just as well in the next couple of days!!