Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Best IF Sister EVER

Check out my awesome IVF care package:

On the first day of my cycle that marks the beginning of
our IVF journey, my most amazing and wonderful friend known by bump name Gregermis sent me an incredible care package. It had awesome candy, foot scrub, scented candles, an amazing card, a beautiful poem, and amazing socks. She actually hand knitted the penguin pair!!!!!!!

Yes, it has a tail!!!
Gregermis and I met on the bump board back when we were both gleefully new to trying to get pregnant. We became fast friends and trying to conceive buddies. We even got to meet when I was in Seattle last October for my birthday. She has become one of my closest friends in such a short time. She is the friend who truly understands how I feel. We talk almost everyday. Somehow both of us got that dreaded invite to the silent sororiety of infertility. As we have navigated this painful new world, we have laughed, we have cried, and we understand so clearly the pain the other feels. She has become so incredibly important to me. I wish that someone I love so much didn't have to go through this painful journey, but I feel so blessed to have someone who I love and trust to go through this with. Gregermis, you are an amazing, generous, talented, beautiful woman! Thank you for being in my life.


  1. This is the best story! I am so excited for you, let the prayers and good thoughts begin! :)

  2. I'm so glad you like the socks! And so glad that the timing worked out the way I had hoped! ;)
