Monday, February 14, 2011


My new goal - to be as optimistic as possible! Until all hope is gone I will muster up every last ounce of optimism that my soul will allow me to have. Trust me, this is extremely difficult for me to do, but I am determined!

I have my first appointment with a RE on Friday and am a bit nervous, but will remain optimistic. Mr. Scuba has an appointment with a specialist in MFI on March 2. So hopefully we will be getting answers and maybe some much needed good news soon!!

Reason #4 I love Mr. Scuba - He is always full of optimism!


  1. This is really hard for me too!
    Good Luck at the RE- keep me posted!!

  2. Hey there! It's jb2rn from the bump. I have been thinking of you. I am glad you started a blog. And I love your attitude. I have given in and decided today during my acupunture appt that I have given this up to God.

    I am thinking of you guys!
