Saturday, January 7, 2012

Our Year for Victory

Exactly a year ago, I was cursing the world for letting me ovulate on Christmas day and not get pregnant. I mean how could I not get pregnant after ovulating for Christmas, really? That was they day when we unknowingly got in the cue line for the biggest roller coaster I have ever been on.

Irony of all irony I got the same christmas present this year as I did last year. Thankfully I had the experience to know that ovulating Christmas day meant exactly nothing except my period would start soon. I knew that the world loves it's cruel jokes. This year however I had a different perspective. This year my period showing up meant that we get to start our frozen embryo transfer cycle!!

I start birth control pills today, then will start lupron January 16th, baseline will be January 25th, and our target transfer day will be February 16th.

I am so excited, but I am so unbelievably nervous. I think I am more nervous about this cycle than our last cycle. This time if it doesn't work, we are back to another fresh cycle and I am not sure when we could afford that for both emotional and financial reasons. There is a lot of pressure riding on those 4 little frozen snow babies.

So I am back to blogging and I am going to more active on the Bump again. I missed you all and I am looking forward to catching up.

Last year was a year of discovery, pain, standing strong, and being hopeful against all odds. This year I am praying for a year of hope, chances, grace, and victory. Good bye 2011, Here's to 2012!!


  1. So exciting! I wish you the best on this new journey and welcome back to the blog world. I'll see you on the bump! (doublebubble)

  2. Hey, I just found your blog. We are dealing with Male factor as well and are just starting IVF cycle #2, with retrieval estimated first week of february. Nice to see someone on a similar timeline :).
    PS - if you look at my blog I've had failed FETs, but please do not let that discourage you at all as I had very poor quality in IVF #1 because of severe OHSS. FETs have HUGE success! At my clinic they are less than 5% difference from fresh (unfortunately I am a shitty statistic there :)). Hopefully we will avoid OHSS this time around and bring it back up.
    Good luck with your FET, soooo much nicer than fresh, it is pretty straightforward and there is much less strees. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wishing you the best that 2012 is your year!!
