Friday, October 28, 2011

Birthday in Banff

I had a wonderful amazing birthday with my husband in Calgary and Banff. They sent him there for business over my birthday, so as a gift, he took me too! I had a wonderful 5 day birthday vacation. I did a little shopping, ate some great food, stood on a glacier, and spent time with my wonderful husband in one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life!
Just outside Banff

Lake Louise

Mr. Scuba on a glacier

At first I didn't really feel like I was in a different country, but then I started noticing some very different things.

  • everyone seemed really nice and smiled a lot!
  • everything was clean and felt safe. I didn't see one piece of litter or graffiti anywhere!
  • The Canadian police have WAY cooler uniforms than the police in the States. 
  • A LOT more people smoke there. 
  • If you don't make a reservation at a restaurant, no matter how empty the restaurant is, you are guaranteed a table by the bathrooms!
  • All the hotels have HUGE fluffy pillows. They look great, but oh my poor neck.
  • Even when inside out of the cold, no one takes their jackets, gloves, or hats off. I didn't want to look out of place, but I was sweating like a crazy person!
  • Canadians seem to respect there environment a lot which I love!
  • My favorite thing - the maternity leave is PAID for a whole YEAR!!!!!!
The crazy thing is that with all the wonderful things we got to do, my favorite thing was the last hour before I had to go to the airport. Mr. Scuba and I spent 30 minutes walking around a beautiful park, holding hands and just talking. I enjoyed that one on one time with him more than anything I have done in a very long time. 


  1. Your pics are gorgeous. I'm glad you had a good trip and b-day.

  2. I am somglad you got away! I would love to visit Banff

  3. So jealous! Beautiful pics!!! And paid mat leave for a year.....WHAT?!?!?!

  4. HAHaaaa, I always love to hear what Americans think of us! Glad you enjoyed my hometown :) ~sloane
